Our Bronx Water Damage Adjusters are dedicated protecting your best interests and helping you on your road to recovery. We have helped hundreds of Bronx landlords, homeowners and tenants recover millions of dollars in new insurance money, often making the difference between bankruptcy and recovery. We provide professional assistance in filing your claim, help you decide what recovery plan best suits your needs, and negotiate with your insurance company so you can get the compensation you deserve. Whether you have a broken pipe, sump pump failure, septic overflow or flooded basement CALL US TODAY!
What types of water damage does your insurance company cover?
In most cases, as long as the property damage is not caused by homeowner neglect (failure to maintain heat resulting in burst pipe) the damage will be covered. The only exception to this rule is flood damage. If you are in a flood prone area, you will need to have a separate flood insurance. You can check to see if your property is located in a flood zone by using FEMA’s Flood Map. Call us today to discuss your Bronx Water Damage Claim and let us help you determine what is covered and what is not.
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Should I hire a Water Damage Restoration Company?
Hiring a Bronx water damage restoration company (Mitigation Company) is a necessary step in preventing further damage to your property after a loss. It is important to Call Us First to make sure your policy covers the scope of work being performed by the company that you hire. Like any industry, there are many restoration companies in the Bronx with a poor reputation due to over-billing and sloppy work. We make sure the restoration company doing the work is licensed, insured, certified and has a crystal clear understanding of what needs to be done before and after our visit with your insurance company. For instance, after a pipe break we would direct the restoration company to do what is specifically necessary to prevent further damage to your property but NOT to touch certain areas that could explain how the damage started or spread. It is important that we document your claim by taking samples and pictures while waiting for your insurance company to do the same. We have handled hundreds of Bronx Water Damage Claims in the Bronx and have a healthy list of local recommendations. Call us today to learn more about our experience with water damage restoration!